The Select College Admissions Transfer Package offers specialized guidance for students seeking to transition from one US university to another. This package includes personalized counseling on transfer procedures, timing, application strategy, and targeted essay support to enhance your prospects of gaining admission to a new institution. Tailored advice will also be provided on selecting recommendation writers and activities and leadership roles that best align with your goals and increase your chances of success at prospective colleges/universities.

Select College Admissions can help by:

  • Determining whether transferring is the best option to help the students reach his/her goals,
  • Identifying gaps in coursework, activities, and leadership which need to be filled,
  • Clarifying what student is seeking from the undergraduate experience,
  • Identifying colleges & universities which are a good match for the student’s interests and personal goals,
  • Determining the best timing for transfer and setting deadlines for completion of required tasks,
  • Overseeing completion of applications, including guidance with putting together a thoughtful résumé, impactful essays, relevant activities, and more.

Guidance is especially important for transfer applicants because policies and deadlines at colleges and universities vary widely.

Select College Admissions can help you create a strategy that helps you find your best fit.