When it comes to STEM studies and engineering, it is important to note that STEM fields are not for everyone, and require a commitment and preference from an early age to this career choice.  Too many students select STEM because of employment prospects when they do not have the necessary aptitude, preference, and stamina for this most rigorous of all fields.  Just like an aspiring musician must be introduced to a musical instrument at a very early age and receive formal training – a STEM applicant, too, must show aptitude and commitment to STEM at a very early age.  In addition, unlike the humanities, ‘passion’ is not sufficient for a successful STEM career.  STEM fields are very intense, rigorous, demanding and oftentimes boring for the average student.  If the student believes that it is the ‘fun factor’ or ‘passion’ that will drive and maintain him or her within STEM-related fields, then s/he is mistaken and should be prepared for setbacks.  Successful STEM practitioners have a certain knack or talent for their fields – which brings value to the enterprise.  Students should discover if they have such ingrained talents or mental endowment before taking this giant leap to a STEM field.  Not everyone can be a professional musician.  Neither can everyone become a successful scientist or engineer.

In determining which program is a good fit, some key factors students and parents should consider are:   

  1. Does the university offer the type of engineering the student is interested in if s/he already knows what area s/he wishes to concentrate in? For example, Dartmouth offers a degree in general engineering. Aeronautical engineering is offered at a limited number of engineering programs.
  2.  Is this a direct-entry engineering program (such as at Columbia or Tufts where the student is applying directly for engineering and will likely have to complete one or more essays about engineering) and is the student sure whether they wish to go into engineering?
  3. Is the engineering program accredited (ABET-certified)?
  4. Affiliation with industry and the amount of collaborative work between the university and industry innovators like Amazon, Microsoft, Google is important to note.
  5. Are there opportunities to engage in research with professors at the undergraduate level? What about opportunities to attend conferences or to be published?
  6. Are there co-op options, which allow the student to alternate between study and work, helping them narrow down their interests, determine what type of work environments suits them best, have some income to help with their expenses, and gain work experience for a more impressive resume. For some, this could be a foot in the door, leading to a job offer upon graduation.
  7. Does the university offer resources for internships and does it hold one or more job fairs for engineers throughout the academic year to promote summer internships or career opportunities for those graduating?
  8. For some students, 3-2 programs where they study mathematics or the sciences, for example physics, at the undergraduate level for 3 years in a liberal arts college and then move onto an engineering school, might be a good option. For example, Whitman College and Caltech have a joint 3-2 program (takes 5 years in total) which provides a Bachelor of Science degree from Whitman and a Bachelor of Engineering degree from Caltech.

1. There are schools where you probably can’t go wrong when it comes to STEM education (MIT, Stanford, etc.) but what should a student or parent look for to find a good STEM school? Association with industry professionals? Internships? Characteristics of faculty? Facilities and tech? Employment of grads? Salaries and types of positions?

MIT and Stanford are well-rounded schools where a student interested in STEM can’t go wrong but with the admission rates to these schools being in the single percentage digits, it is imperative that students look at various other options depending on their interests. For a student who is artistic and interested in both STEM and the design aspect of products, the Rochester Institute of Technology would be a good option. On the other hand, a student interested in design solutions that make our world a better place would be better suited to the Olin College of Engineering. Caltech, Georgia Tech, Harvey Mudd College as well as Berkeley, University of Michigan and University of Illinois are other popular schools amongst our students.

2. Second, how do students determine whether they are well-suited to a career in STEM? With its popularity, STEM may be drawing students to the field who actually don’t have the aptitude or interest.

Scientists and engineers in the top echelons have been driven towards STEM from a very early age.  A decision to pursue engineering in the university freshman year will not produce a qualified or skilled engineer.  The applicant must show interest in ‘tinkering’ from age 7 or 8, and start building objects or constructing devices from that early age. For the sciences, the child must show an interest in some area of scientific knowledge and spend time and effort pursuing a scientific ‘dream’.  Naturally, this has to come with intense parental support, just as a musical prodigy would need parental support to achieve his or her goals as a musician. It is a combination of interest and employability that draws students to careers in STEM. With a bachelor’s degree in engineering, a student can find employment with a starting salary of about 80K+. To determine whether a student is well-suited for a career in STEM fields, I will generally look at their grades and the rigor of their coursework in subjects like calculus and physics and see if they are accelerated in those subject areas. I advise students in STEM to take SAT Subject Tests in math and physics to demonstrate their strength in these subject areas to prospective universities. I encourage these students to be active within clubs related to STEM at school or participate in national or international math exams like the AMC or science and math Olympiads. Many have taken part in science fair projects regionally, nationally and some even internationally. Some are active within robotics clubs at their school, taking part in competitions regularly. Often, they are exposed to programming through robotics and expand their knowledge of physics through their hands-on learning. There are maker labs within many communities which provide the space, tools and skills to make almost anything. At these maker labs, students can engage in designing products, 3-D printing, and in teamwork. There are community bio-labs where students try their hand at biotechnology. Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), such as EDX, are free and accessible to all and often taught by top-notch professors from outstanding universities. These have made courses like programming and higher level sciences accessible to everyone. As well, attending a pre-engineering summer program often helps to confirm if a student is genuinely interested in STEM-related fields and gives them collaborative experience and some substance to respond to those ‘Why Engineering’ essays in their college applications. By talking about their passion for discovery, innovation, entrepreneurship, and hands-on learning, students are more likely to get into the STEM programs they are targeting.

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