How to Transform Your University Applications from QUALIFIED to COMPELLING

Here are twelve ways you can take to transform your applications from qualified to compelling:

    1. Demonstrate rigor in your academics by taking the most challenging courses your school has to offer, whether these be in the IB or AP curriculum, while obtaining superb marks.
    2. Take part in competitions related to your areas of interest whether these be math, physics, history, philosophy, robotics, debating, writing or anything else that interests you or you are good at.
    3. Have a good array of activities, showing depth of engagement, initiative, and leadership in a few of them. If one or more of those few are relevant to your major, that would be even better.
    4. Community service that is sustained over a period of time and demonstrates initiative and the ‘kindness factor’ is an absolute must.
    5. Despite the fact that many universities are test-optional in the next few years due to the pandemic, prepare for the SAT or ACT, and obtain a high score.
    6. Have a ‘wow factor’ or a unique value proposition that differentiates you from all the other smart and talented students who are applying to your top choice universities. Make sure this comes through in your essays and interactions with the universities.
    7. Do not operate under the radar in school; make sure teachers and administrators are aware of your accomplishments in and outside of school as this may result in more opportunities coming your way and will make it easier to obtain stellar letters of recommendation for your applications.
    8. Demonstrate interest to universities by visiting their campus, doing extensive research on what they offer and why you are a good fit, and connect with students, professors, or admissions staff.
    9. Highlight any personal characteristics you might have that could contribute to the diversity of the campus community you wish to join.
    10. Put extra effort into doing a thorough job on your applications and in writing essays that are insightful and draw upon the extensive engagements you have had in and out of the classroom to showcase your authentic self, your values, and goals. Remember, this is an exercise in marketing and you are the product.
    11. If interviews are offered, be sure to take advantage of the opportunity to show your personality and why you are a good fit with the university.
    12. Submit your application early and give yourself time to review and make sure every piece you are submitting is perfect.

An application that is prepared with strategy, one that reinforces the picture of who you are and what you have accomplished to the colleges and universities you are targeting, will be compelling and likely to increase your chances of admission.

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